Enric Casas i Gironella
Term of office
He began his term of office as a member on 22 February 2022. On September 12, 2024, he was appointed secretary member..Areas of responsibility
Coordinator of the Content Committee. Deputy coordinator of the Regulations and Audiovisual Media Service Providers Committee. Deputy coordinator of the Relations with Society, Children, Gender and Education in Communication Committee.
Barcelona, 1958
Publicist and communication expert, with extensive institutional and political experience. He undertook several courses at the Faculty of Information Sciences at the UAB. He later studied Senior Management for Companies and Public Administrations programmes at ESADE. A former head of the Image Committee, director of Corporate Communication and Quality and director of the Mayor's Office at Barcelona City Council (2011-2021), he has also been chief of staff at Viladecans Town Council (1985-2011). He had an outstanding professional career and was professor of Communication and Public Opinion in the Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology and in the Faculty of Journalism at the UAB. He is a professor in courses and seminars on political and public institutional communication at the ICPS and in different communication masters.