Jaume Serrats i Ollé

Member and vicepresident

Term of office

From June 2000 to June 2008.

He became a board member in July 2002, after a first term running from June 2000 to June 2002 in accordance with the transitional provision which governed the first two partial renewals. The Parliament of Catalonia elected him once again in 2002 for a new period of six years. He started his first term as a counselor and in October 2005 he was appointed vice president until June 2008.

Spheres of responsibility

Monitoring audiovisual regulations in the European Union, Spain and Catalonia. The audiovisual industry. The presence of Catalan culture and language in audiovisual products. Audiovisual Observatory.


Barcelona, 1944

Journalist and lawyer. Professor in the Law Faculty at the University of Barcelona (1967-1972) and the Information Science Faculty at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1983 and 1989-1990).
Editor of the newspapers Catalunya-eXpress (1976-1979), Mundo Diario (1980) and Avui (1982-1986). Gaziel Journalism Award (1987). Head of News Services for Catalunya Ràdio (1986-1987). Director and presenter of programmes such as Tal com són for TVE in Catalonia (1982-1983), and Catalans for Televisió de Catalunya (1984).

Director General of Cultural Promotion in the Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia (1990-1996). Manager of the TVE regional centre in Catalonia (1996-1998). Director for the Audiovisual Industry of the Information Society Commissioner (1998-2000). He is a member of the Catalan Journalists' Association and the Catalan Bar Association.