Miquel Miralles i Fenoll
Term of office
He began his term of office as a member on 22 February 2022.Areas of responsibility
Coordinator of the Regulations and Audiovisual Media Service Providers Committee. Deputy Coordinator of the Research, Studies and Innovation Committee.
Barcelona, 1955
Miquel Miralles is a journalist, chair of the Catalan Radio Association (2019-2022) and Director of Communication and Institutional Relations at the Tele Taxi Group (1992-2022). He was one of the founders of the digital local information portal Rubitv.cat (2011), deputy chair of the Catalan Television Association (2003-2007), a member of the Spanish Digital Radio Forum (2005) and Head of Broadcasting and Programmes at Cadena 13 (1983-1992). He performed production roles at Antena 3 Radio for the Supergarcía en la hora cero programme team directed by José María García (1982-1983) and covered the Spain 1982 football World Cup for foreign television. He was a press officer for Rubí Town Council (1981-1982) and a member of the founding team of the first municipal radio station in Catalonia, Ràdio Rubí (1979). He has been a correspondent for El Periódico de Catalunya (1979) and Diari de Barcelona (1976).
He has taught courses at the now defunct private company Televisió Catalana (1984-1986), at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (2007-2008) and at the Faculty of Education Sciences (2006-2008). He has presented several papers at the Catalan Audiovisual Market (Granollers) and taken part in radio conferences in Barcelona and at the National American Broadcasting Show in Las Vegas (1987).