Acord 2/2022 d'aprovació de l’Informe 2/2022, de 17 de gener, de l’Àrea de Continguts, La publicitat de joguines en plataformes i xarxes socials durant la campanya de Nadal 2021-2022 19.01.2022
Acord 1/2022 d'aprovació de l’Informe 3/2022, de 17 de gener, de l’Àrea de Continguts, La representació dels estereotips de gènere en la publicitat televisiva de joguines durant la campanya de Nadal 2021-221 19.01.2022
Analysis of the presence on the Internet of content that spread systems to cyberstalk women within a couple (conclusions) 10.04.2019 Agreement 32/2019
Agreement 85/2015 for approval of the document guidelines on reporting anorexia and bulimia nervosa in audiovisual media 17.06.2015
Decision 254/2010 about the authorization for the lease of the licences for the provision of audio broadcasting services in the towns of Lleida (93.4 Mhz), Sort (89.6 Mhz) and Vielha (97.2 Mhz). 17.11.2010
Decision 253/2010 about the authorization for the transfer of the licence for the provision of audio broadcasting services in the town of Cervera 99.2 MHz 17.11.2010
Decision 252/2010.Authorization for the lease of the licences for the provision of audio broadcasting services in the towns of Bossòst (88.2 MHz) and Lleida-Alpicat (102.2 MHz). 17.11.2010