Description of the CAC
The Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC) is the independent authority that regulates audiovisual communication in Catalonia. Its objective is to make sure that regulations applicable to suppliers of audiovisual services, both public and private, and complied with.
The CAC's principles of action are defending freedom of speech and information, pluralism, neutrality and honesty of news, as well as free competition in the sector.
The CAC is governed by Law 2/2000, of May 4th on the Catalan Audiovisual Council, as well as the framework law for the sector, Law 22/2005, of December 29th, on audiovisual communication in Catalonia.
At the regulatory level, the CAC is governed by the Organic and Functioning Statute of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia, approved by the Plenary Session of the CAC on February 28, 2001.