Catalan and Aranese
The Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia states that Catalan is the language of Catalonia (article 6) and, as such, it is the language of normal and preferential use of public media in Catalonia, in the same way that Aranese is the language of the Aran Valley and, therefore, it is considered the language of this territory and an official language in Catalonia. Similarly, article 50, paragraph 1, attributes to the public authorities the task of protecting Catalan and Aranese in all areas and sectors, and promoting their use, dissemination and knowledge.
Law 22/2005, of 29 December, on Audiovisual Communication of Catalonia states that the Generalitat's audiovisual public service has as a specific mission: "The promotion, knowledge and dissemination of Catalan language and culture, within the general framework of the Generalitat’s linguistic and cultural policy, as well as that of Aranese in the terms established by current legislation” (letter f of section 3 of article 26),
In order to develop regulations, the CAC approved the General Instruction of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia on the presence of Catalan and Aranese language and culture in audiovisual media. This general instruction establishes, among other aspects, the minimum quotas for Catalan and Aranese, as well as the minimum percentage of songs in Catalan or Aranese.