
Fake news, algorithms and filter bubbles
Quaderns del CACDescripció
Quaderns del CAC 44
Volume XXI
July 2018
Monographic: Fake news, algorithms and filter bubbles
Towards a critique of algorithmic reason. A state-of-the-art review of artificial intelligence, its influence on politics and its regulationMartí Petit
Analysis of disinformation regarding the referendum on 1 October detected by Maldito BuloÒscar Coromina, Adrián Padilla
Your likes, your vote? Big personal data exploitation and media manipulation in the US presidential election campaign of Donald Trump in 2016Sara Suárez-Gonzalo
The challenge of measuring ideological bias in written digital mediaAna S. Cardenal, Carol Galais, Joaquim Moré, Camilo Cristancho, Sílvia Majó-Vázquez
Children's news on television. Topics, information quality and audience reception of Newsround (BBC), Logo (ZDF) and Info K (TVC)Marta Narberhaus Martínez
Betevé: from hyperlocal television to transmedia? An analysis of the evolutionAida Martori Muntsant
Sensory accessibility services in TV stations broadcasting in Catalan: the current situation and proposals for the futureSara Rovira-Esteva, Irene Tor-Carroggio
Constructing a television format: the case of the Telenotícies news programme on Catalan public television (TV3)Miquel Sañas, Maria Gutiérrez
Critical Book Review
REDONDO, M. Verificación digital para periodistas. Manual contra bulos y desinformación internacionalMiguel Carvajal
McNAIR, B. Fake News: Falsehood, Fabrication and Fantasy in JournalismAlexandre López Borrull
STEPHENS-DAVIDOWITZ, S. Everybody lies. Big Data, new data and what the internet can tell us about who we really areManuel Martínez Nicolás
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