Communication, media and gender
Quaderns del CACDescripció
Quaderns del CAC 45
Volume XXII
July 2019
Monographic: Communication, media and gender
Gendered Media Representations beyond Television: Charting Stereotypes Then and NowCláudia Álvares
Reporting on Gender-based Violence in the News: Context and EvolutionLaura Rodas i Mònica Gasol Tost
Feminist Discourses and Videos by Youtubers: Limits and Horizons of I-centric PoliticizationNúria Araüna, Iolanda Tortajada i Cilia Willem
The Presence of Gender Stereotypes in Toy Advertising. Two Decades of AnalysisMònica Gasol Tost, Carles López, Carmina Puig Sobrevals i Isabel Sánchez
The Trans Issues on TV3. Analysis of the Representation of Gender Diversity in Television Documentaries and their receptionMarina García Blanes
Critical Book Review
Yeste, E.; Canosa F. Dones que surten del paper. Periodistes catalanes que expliquen un paísCristina Baulies i Batiller
Carter, C.; Steiner, L.; All an, S. Journalism, Gender and PowerGemm a Gómez Bernal
Tejedor, S. Herramientas digitales para comunicadoresCarles Sora Domenjó
Books Review
Journals Review
Websites Review
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