
Technological and audiovisual convergence
Quaderns del CACDescripció
Quaderns del CAC 31-32
July 2008 - June 2009
Monographic Technological and audiovisual convergence
The two main processes of technological convergenceJavier Echeverría
Overcoming Babel: social mediation and intelligent systems in discovering, filtering, accrediting and personalising digital contentEnric Plaza
Technological convergence: a state of the art on the issueJosep Ramon Ferrer
Future trends in audiovisualsJoan Majó
The challenges of digital convergence for televisionEmili Prado
Integrating media within interactive discourse: the case of cultural disseminatioJ. Ignasi Ribas
Mobile Web 2.0. The new mobile communication industryHugo Pardo, Joel Brandt, Juan Pablo Puerta
Convergence and general audiovisual legislation in SpainÁngel García Castillejo
Content convergencePere Vila
The convergence of newsrooms in the era of the open gardenDavid Sancha
The polyvalent journalist within the framework of business convergencePere Masip, Josep Lluís Micó
Media convergence and the battle for the audienceGenís Roca
Comparing online risks faced by European children: Reflections on youthful internet use in Britain, Germany and SpainSonia Livingstone, Uwe Hasebrink, Carmelo Garitonandia, Maialeu Garmendia
Myth, digitalism and technological convergence: hegemonic discourses and political economicsNúria Almiron, Josep Manuel Jarque
The emergence of new imagery in quality television fictionAnna Tous
Television fiction on TV3 and Catalan cultural identity: case study of the situation comedy Plats brutsLuisa Martínez García
Analysis of information sources and respect for professional ethics in crisis situations: the media treatment of Barcelona's Carmel caseCarles Pont
The effectiveness of product placement on children: an experimentJosé Fernández Cavia, Assumpció Huertas, Mònika Jiménez
Analysis of comprehension by deaf pupils of captioned television documents and criteria for improvementCristina Cambra, Núria Silvestre, Aurora Leal
Critical book review
SÁDABA, T. Framing: el encuadre de las noticias. El binomio terrorismo-mediosIolanda Tortajada
MICHALIS, M. Governing European Communications. From unification to coordinationRoberto Suárez
AZURMENDI, A. (dir.). La reforma de la televisión pública españolaMariano Cebrián Herreros
GARCÍA LEIVA, M. T. Políticas públicas y televisión digital. El caso de la TDT en España y el Reino UnidoIsabel Sarabia Andúgar
CASTELLÓ, E. Identidades mediáticas. Introducción a las teorías, métodos y casosManuel Martínez Nicolás
Books review
Journals review
Websites review
Manuscript submissions guidelines
Book reviews guidelines